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The Dark Side

Writer: suicidal psycho bitchsuicidal psycho bitch

It always helped me to be surrounded by mood-congruent stimuli... colours, music, weather... anything, hence the The Dark Side of this site.

Art and media offer a rich, deep, vast space of mood-congruent materials. Mood-congruent stimuli sustained me through times when my emotions overwhelmed me, or felt disconnected, clogged, or absent.

Often, the best mood-congruent art sources are those who have gone before us, sometimes literally gone, RIP Kurt Cobain, Chris Cornell... ;( They know this place... or places, rather, which are as numerous as the stars. These our lost heros are truly the stars in our night sky. Before losing the battle with life, they lived with their emotions connected enough to make art. The art they left us is a ready channel to our feelings, that doesn't require the grueling energy shift into 'attempted happy place'. Dark art is like a soft cushion for us. It is like being heard before you even cry.

Kurt. I will always remember when you died, as a part of me was about to die then too.

I wish we both could have lived, but thank you for your music.



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